Adult Formation
The Sunday Wired Word
Every Sunday morning during the school year, a group of adults gathers before worship at 9:15 in the church parlors over a cup of coffee to be more deeply formed as Christians. Occasionally, we’ll have a special presentation, but most Sundays we use The Wired Word curriculum. This publication invites us to take a deep dive into a topic that is current in the news. The writers provide related scriptures and suggested questions, and our group digs in as we each share our own perspectives and observations and listen to those of others. The conversation is lively and friendly, and we would love to have your voice join in the discussion.
Bible Studies at NPCC
As you’ll realize if you hang out with us much, we read the Bible often around here. We genuinely believe that the best way to hear from God and stay united in our life as a church is to stay rooted in the Word. And one way we would love to have you grow as a reader of God’s Word is as a participant in one of our weekly Bible studies. We have three main Bible studies that meet each week during the school year. Currently they are organized by gender, with two groups reading and discussing the lectionary texts we’ll read in church on the coming Sunday, and one group doing a deep reading of one Bible book at a time.
Monday Morning Women
Every Monday morning at 9:15 am, the Monday Morning Women’s Bible Study meets to read the lectionary text for the coming Sunday. Show up in the large conference room (lower level) and join in, or reach out to Pastor Libby if you’d like more information.
Tuesday Morning Men
Every Tuesday morning at 8 am, the men gather for a lectionary Bible study where they read and discuss the texts for the upcoming Sunday. They meet in the large conference room (lower level), and you are welcome to show up there or reach out to Pastor Jeff if you’d like more information. Also, most every Tuesday, a group of the guys heads over to Tre Kronor, one of our beloved local spots, for breakfast afterward, so if you need some encouragement to join in, maybe that’s it.
Wednesday Morning Women
Every Wednesday morning at 10 am, Sandy leads a study group of women who do a deep dive together into one Bible book at a time. You are welcome to drop in and join them in the large conference room (lower level), or you can reach out to the church office to learn more.