A Church Committed to Shared Leadership
It won’t take much looking around on this page before you notice that our lead pastor is actually two lead pastors. Or, as we affectionately call them, our co-pastors. Libby and Jeff share leadership, and we have called them to pastor this congregation as a team. It’s no lie to say that this commitment to co-leadership frames most of how we think of healthy leadership and how we seek to share power in the congregation.
There’s a lot we could say here, but someone wise once said, brevity is next to godliness, so we’ll keep it short. Our church is led by a partnership between the staff of the church and the volunteer leaders (it’s a churchy thing to say, but we call them lay leaders), and we are at our best when both staff and lay leaders are walking together side by side into the future that God is calling us to.
For a few reasons, we’ll only list the paid staff bios and contact info here, but know that, as you get connected to the church, you’ll see that structure of shared leadership and be invited to step into the community and share your wisdom, as well.
Elizabeth (Libby) Piotrowski

Libby has been on staff at North Park Covenant Church since 2002. In that time, she has served in various capacities, with 10 years spent as our Children’s Minister, until being called to the co-pastorate in 2016. Libby has a BS in Biology from North Park College, an MA in Curriculum and Instruction from North Park University, and an MA in Christian Formation from North Park Theological Seminary. Her goal is to one day earn a doctorate in preaching. In her former life, Libby was a high-school biology teacher. She and her husband, Joel, have three children: Sofia, Harrison, and Tegegn. In her spare time, Libby enjoys gardening and reading (lots of historical fiction), watching the Food Network, and cooking new foods with and for her family.