All Events

  • New Members Class April 5 Sat, Apr 5th

    Have you been wondering about membership at North Park Covenant Church and what it might mean? Do you have questions about the church and/or the Covenant denomination? Would you like to learn more, without the obligation to join the church?…

  • Evening Lenten Worship Services Sun, Apr 6th

    As we enter the Lenten season, and as we do the hard work of preparing our hearts—of emptying ourselves and confessing what it means to be broken and human, loved and redeemed—we invite you to a series of evening Lenten…

  • Virtual Prayer Vigil Sat, Apr 12th

    On Saturday, April 12, all are invited to participate in a Lenten Virtual Prayer Vigil. Between the hours of 7 am and 7 pm, we invite you to sign up for a half hour (or more) to be in prayer…

  • Holy Week Schedule Sun, Apr 20th

    We invite you to join us for Holy Week, as we walk with Jesus to the cross, through his death, and on to resurrection. April 13: Palm Sunday9 am: Palm procession through the neighborhood9:30 am: All-church breakfast in the parlors10:30…