Sun, Mar 9th The First Sunday in Lent
We offer two options for worship every Sunday at 10:30 am (CT), in person or via livestream at Childcare is available, and we invite you to join…
View the livestreamfor God's glory and neighbors' good.
We gather for a warm, traditional worship service every Sunday of the year. If you want to walk through the church year with Jesus and us, there are two ways you can join us for worship on Sundays at 10:30 am. Those who are in the neighborhood or are able to make the drive can join us in the sanctuary at the corner of Christiana and Berwyn. Childcare is available for young ones from birth through five years old following the Word for the Children. We also livestream the service at at the same time.
We are an intergenerational church family, and there are tons of options for getting involved each week. From Sunday school to youth groups to Bible studies to service opportunities, there are chances to build relationships and grow in faith. Check out what we offer for different age groups.
As a neighborhood church that has been worshiping and living in the North Park neighborhood of Chicago for more than 125 years, we've got lots of stories to tell. We promise not to drone on and on, but we'd love to tell you a little bit about who we are right now and trace some of those threads of identity into the past.
It feels like our modern life is often balanced between being busy and being lonely. At NPCC, we are committed to growing together as a community and to not over-programming ourselves. Which is why we love events like our Night of the Walking Taco stand. We're all already out and about on Halloween night, so let's add a little extra fun to the equation and get to know our neighbors a bit better. If that sounds like your kind of event, check out the things we're up to when it's not the creepiest night of the year.